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They Own It All -Including You: By Means of Toxic Currency


Ronald MacDonald, Robert Rowen

Excerpts from Amazon reviews.

P. Lowe Jones – See all my reviews
This review is from: They Own It All (Including You)!: By Means of Toxic Currency (Paperback)
Many books have been written regarding the motives, the means, and the methods behind the establishment of private central banks throughout history, including the founding of the privately owned Federal Reserve System. What sets this book apart from all the others concerning this topic is that this particular work explains the legal ramafications of such endeavors for every person under the jurisdiction of such an institution – especially citizens of the United States of America as defined in the 14th ammendment to the Constitution.

We are thus confronted with quite a harrowing realization; that nothing for which we have transacted using these paper IOUs/foreign commodities is truly ours – we are merely granted posession by privilege. A privilege which can be taken away at any time by the legal (though unlawful) owner of the debt. Furthermore, we are the collateral on the government’s loan from this private for-profit corporation known as the central bank. We are quite literally (and legally) owned by this lender of first and last resort. Our liberty under this legal/financial syatem is an illusion, partly maintained by our unwillingness to question it.

The great and powerful Oz does not desire to be discovered behind his magic curtain. Nowadays that curtain is largely electronic. It consists, in part, of digital television signals, video game graphics, portable gizmos, and instantaneous online "news" updates.

The time has come to awaken from our coma and arise from our sick-bed, to unplug from our chemical anasthetic and escape from our institutional imprisonment. The truth that awaits us may not be at all pleasant, and the freedom on our horizon may indeed intimidate us with its incomprehensible vastness. But I, for one, cannot consent to my own enslavement nor enable those who intend to deceive me. I’d rather embody the words of Patrick Henry and Jesus Christ: Give me liberty or give me death! For you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. "


"Going back to "They Own It All", I deducted one star because of the religious claptrap, which was offensive both to me and to others to whom I loaned this book (although of course those who are religious may well like it, religion was not relevant to the subject of this book). Otherwise this is another excellent book on the illusion that is money. Although it’s about the US Federal Reserve Board (equivalent to the Bank of England) and US dollars, English money was actually the prototype and therefore our system is almost identical. Written by a US Veteran of their Vietnam War who spent the last 25 years studying law, this book shows how:

1. You are legally a debtor and chattel (property) owned by a hidden creditor.
2. A hidden lien contaminates everything transacted for by or with today’s currency. The result is that your entire alleged wealth is/has been mortgaged, you don’t own anything! You merely have possession by privilege. This privilege may be yanked at any time if you don’t obey the real owner.
3. Paper and digi money is a foreign product owned by a foreign corporation, and not by you or the government.
4. The courts are really bankruptcy courts representing the interests and property of the foreign creditor.
5. Without knowing it, you have been compelled into international commercial law, where you have none of your unalienable rights. In this way you have been insulated from your birthright, the common law from which your rights are immutable.
6. You are charged an income (excise) tax for transacting in the foreign commodity known as paper money.
7. All benefits from your work have been stolen, much of it without your knowledge and all of it without your consent.
8. The real cause of draconian governmental regulation and your loss of rights is the toxic currency.
9. The real cause of the current economic calamity is the toxic money.
10. The hidden creditor (international banksters) owns everything, including you. "

5.0 out of 5 stars absolutely the best, 5 stars are not enough, November 26, 2009
critical reader

"I never understood the difference between legal tender and lawful money. This book blows it wide open. I never knew that bank note currency was not my property. I never knew that using it placed me into a foreign commercial jurisdiction where I had no rights but only priviliges granted by the owner of that property. "

If you read one book in 10 years, this needs to be it., November 17, 2009
George L. Gaboury (San Francsico, California) – See all my reviews
This review is from: They Own It All (Including You)!: By Means of Toxic Currency (Paperback)
"We’re lucky if once in a generation a shocking little book (like this one) comes along that clearly shows the major camouflaged mechanism contributing so much today to the devastating suffering of the world. That revealed mechanism manifests suffering we are all required to endure through the carefully orchestrated escalating destruction of our liberties for its own corrupt directors parasitically manipulative benefit.

This book clearly show how the primary mechanism in question is fraudulent liened fiat I.O.U. notes created out of nothing masquerading everywhere as "money", lent out by the trillions at interest from monopolistic international-banker owned private corporate creditor central banks to compromised bankrupted perpetual debtor governments and oblivious citizens world wide. As strange or complex as this may sound, the book clearly explains and demonstrates the truth of it.

This book shows relevant examples of the most significant bankster manipulated laws which have drastically reclassified a citizen’s standing in countries such as the United States. You can wake up from reading this book to realize that you are no longer a sovereign citizen with inalienable rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. You wake up to discover that you own nothing. Everything you think you own has a hidden lien on it, and the banksters own the lien. You discover that they also have a hidden lien on you yourself. You are a debtor to the banksters with no rights and no means to repay the debt to restore your rights. You and your loved ones have become a legal piece of property owned by the banksters themselves. Any rights you think you have are merely privileges’ – all revocable at any time by the banksters and their coerced government henchmen as they see fit for their benefit – not yours. Any infraction by you of your "privileges" can result in their seizure of anything or everything you own or any children you have custody of according to their ever changing rules. Perhaps this is what is really meant by noted official’s goals to create a new world order based on feudalism.

So what else has this new world fraud cost you? A generation without liberty is a generation incapable of excellence in anything it tries to do. Critical competitive reforms that benefit people are vigorously suppressed through corrupt bankster-government enforcement mechanisms when specific reforms threaten selfish psychopathic monopolistic bankster goals. These suppressed reform opportunities devastate our lives denying us: easy access to significant low cost natural & advanced health care technologies, advanced low cost high efficiency clean fuel and energy systems, suppressed systems for clean fair elections, technologies for affordable products & housing that can be paid off rapidly, freedom from excessive frivolous government taxation fines & prosecutions, personal savings whose buying power doesn’t decay drastically over time and a higher quality of life.

Historical analysis has shown how maturing civilizations suffer a horrible death through implosion and or invasion when they are blocked from critical reform by selfish interests such as the bankster’s mechanisms described in this book. Let this not be us.

I am breaking with my usual tradition and giving this book a 5 star rating even though the book lacks an index. The information inside is just too precious, so this is a book to wear down your highlighter to mark up its most significant passages for your later review.

It has been said that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Please be vigilant where it counts and read this book. It’s that important."

"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers." – Charles Peguy

Must read book. They Own It All (Including You)!: By Means of Toxic Currency

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